Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Dark Knight

Two words....HOLY CRAP. Here's some advice: If you have 8 bucks or 6.50 if you have a college ID(I have 4 so if you need one let me know), go see this movie. I thought Heath Ledger was going to be in this movie but I never saw him. Some people say he was the Joker but they are liars. Batman= best hero ever. Superman and Spiderman need to take notes.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

What's in a name?

Have you ever thought about your name? Where it came from? What it means? Who you are named after? Why your parents chose that name?

I didn't really think about my name until I hit middle school. At that point in time I didn't really like it. Actually, it wasn't really the name it was the spelling. My parents chose to spell my name with the "ph" way instead of the "v" way because Stephen is spelled with a "ph" in the Bible. the spelling didn't make much sense to me since I graduated hooked on phonics with flying colors. I mean come on "ph" makes a "ffffff" sound not a "vvvv" sound. My phonics defying name caused some embarrassment on the first day of school when teachers would call the role and mistakenly call me Stefan. I even head a substitute call me Stephanie one time. I look back and laugh now but at the time I just wished my parents would have just picked the normal spelling: Steven.

But after learning about the man whom I am named after, I take much pride in my name. Stephen is a man whom Scripture says was full of grace, power, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit. He was a man that did many great things in the name of Jesus. After being brought before the Council on false charges, Stephen rips the Pharisees a new one with his 51 verse ora
l roundhouse kick to the face. Although, he knew that he faced certain death with the words he spoke, Stephen held nothing back. The crowd was outraged and Stephen's execution was certain but he did not try to back down or tell them that they had just been Punk'd. He knew he had told the truth and did what was right. Stephen, then turned his eyes to heaven where he saw Jesus STANDING at the right hand of the Father. If I am not mistaking, this is the only place where Jesus is noted to be standing at the right hand of God. Every other time He is sitting. It is as if Jesus is giving Stephen a standing ovation for taking a stand for Him. Stephen was then rushed by the crowd and taken out of the city to be stoned. No, not Cheech and Chong and Snoop D-O- double G stoned but stoned as in having large rocks dropped on you to smash you to death. even with jagged rocks slamming and crushing him Stephen's faith in Christ does not diminish as shown when he prays, "Lord, do not hold this against them."

Stephen is someone I strive to be like. Not to say look at me, look what I can do but so that people can see Christ. I wish I had Stephen's wisdom and knowledge that is displayed in his sermon. The dude knew his stuff. I wish I had his boldness; so many times I have backed down or remained silent in the face of persecution. Stephen is a great example of someone we should all strive to be like. Knowing his story no longer makes me wish my name was spelled with a "V." I am thankful my parents gave me this name. I am proud of name even though I am rarely called by it and more commonly referred to as Stevo. Jesus set the ultimate example of how I strive to live but Stephen is another example for me who shows me what is true Christ follower looks like. Stephen was the first Christian martyr and because of my name I am now living in the shadow of a martyr.