Thursday, January 22, 2009

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Yesterday, January 22, 2009, marked the 36th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade which legalized abortion in all 50 states. This day is one of the darkest days in American history. Abortion is one of the most evil and most disgusting things this world has ever seen. Our new President has made it clear that he is pro-choice. He is planning on overturning one of former President Bush's abortion policies which will allow our tax money to support groups that promote abortion in other countries like Mexico. President Obama has also said that he intends to sign the Freedom of Choice Act which will pretty much eliminate all restrictions on abortion.

I just don't understand. This country was founded on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But ALL three of these fundamental rights are denied to the unborn. Where is the liberty and justice for all that we were told this country stood for? This is injustice and we can not sit back and watch this happen.

Please join me in praying for President Obama. Pray that his stance on this dark issue would be changed. We must not be silent. We must be the voice for the millions of children who are killed in the name of choice.

Here are a couple of Pro-Life websites that will give you more information. (please sign this petition)

1 comment:

themichaelwilson said...

I don't typically issue strong opinions on your blog (well this is probably a lie) but let me wholeheartedly agree with you on this post. It sickens me that we are concerned with whether terrorists are lacking "human rights" but we seek to kill partially born infants. Makes me want to vomit. When did we get so morally backwards in this nation that people will protest the treatment of prisoners when they are millions of people dying in the world from hunger and lack of water. I think we've missed the forest for the trees. I can entertain political discussion, but I will not TOLERATE any foolish argument about methods that have historically sought to eliminate certain races. Also, if you want to cut off your own foot, that's your right, because that is part of your body. A baby is not part of your body. Its inside your body. Somebody had to help to make it. It aint just yours.

Thanks for letting me use your blog space as a vent. Keep up the posts!