Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Three Pictures for Three Years

Happy Three Years Erin. Just in case you need a reminder about why I think you are so awesome click here. I love you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breaking the habit

So I'm trying to break the habit of being a horrible blogger. Its a hard thing to get back into once you slack off a little bit. I have some great ideas that should be coming up soon, its just a matter of taking the time to sit down and type them out. But in the mean time I thought I would give you some great advice......go buy David Crowder Band's new CD "Church Music." It is unbelievable. Their last album was a bit of a disappointment but this one makes up for it. Go get it. Now. Stop reading this and go buy it.
One more thing for you, in case you need a good laugh......