Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mom Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there.

Do something nice for you mom today. She deserves it. Mom's are awesome, especially mine. Over the lats 10 years I have discovered that my mom is one of the strongest people in the world. Chuck Norris and Tim Tebow have nothing on her. But I'm not talking about physical strength. I'm talking about that kind of strength that comes from within. Ever since my dad died 10 years ago, it has just been my mom raising my brother and me. My mom has a really gentle and quiet spirit about her which could be taken as weakness but over the last 1o years I can honestly say there is nothing weak about her. She has done an amazing job raising us and she has loved us with a love that can only be God given.

Go hug your mom and tell her you love her and thank God for her every day. Not just Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Congratulations Erin. I'm so proud of you. You are the greatest middle school teacher I know. Wait, I really only know two so that's not saying much. But if I did know more, I know you would still be the best. You have done such an amazing job over the last 4 years and the future is looking even better for you. You are going to impact so many kids' lives. I'm glad you understand the meaning of grace because that's the only reason you agreed to date me and I'm glad I have been able to be part of the the journey for the last 3 years. Good job E.

P.S.- Just to prove that I am not just saying Erin is a great teacher just because she is my girlfriend, here is the video that was played during graduation that featured a top student from each College of Education department. I'm probably embarrassing her but she deserves the credit.

P.P.S.- I'm dating a college graduate. Erin, you really are a cougar.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DONE....South Africa Here I come

My first year at Appalachian State is completely over and now its time for me to find a new school to transfer to. Not really but I'd love to see where you think I should go next. Leave a comment with you school suggestion. Anyways, summer vacation is officially here. Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but you can't expect me to do much of anything during exams. As sorry as I am about not posting anything lately, you will have to get used to it because on Monday I will be boarding a plane to South Africa and will be gone for 3 weeks. I'll try to get a post or two in before then. Actually I guarantee that I will.

But while I'm on the subject, I might as well share a little bit about South Africa. I am going with a group from CCF to Capetown. We will be working with two full time missionaries in a slum area. Most of our work will be with the children of the area, with a special concentration on the teenagers. We will have the opportunity to hang out with these kids, play some games, do some crafts, show some love, and we will get to tell them about Jesus and His love for them. We will also spend some time with the elderly of the community and we will be visiting an orphanage.

This area that we will be in is desperately in need of love and hope. These people are surround by despair. In these communities, poverty, alcoholism, sexual abuse, and violence are the norm. There is also a serious AIDS problem in South Africa. Erin went a year and a half ago and her stories about a couple of the kids are heart breaking. There was a three or four year old girl who had already been raped TWICE in her lifetime. You can understand why she wouldn't go near the two guys that were on the team when Erin went. There is also a teenage boy who is pretty much taking care of his younger siblings on his own and he witnessed his aunt being burnt to death.

Though we are going into a depressing situation, I am excited. I am excited because I believe there is always hope. I am excited because I get to show love to some kids who really, really need it. I am excited to see what God is doing there because the last time CCF was there, the two full time missionaries were just starting to see fruit from their ministry.

So over the next three weeks the team and I could really use your prayers. Even though I am excited to go, I know I'll be excited to get back home after three weeks. Stay tuned for reflections on the trip and there will definitely be pictures making there way to the blog. Thanks for the support.