Saturday, May 9, 2009


Congratulations Erin. I'm so proud of you. You are the greatest middle school teacher I know. Wait, I really only know two so that's not saying much. But if I did know more, I know you would still be the best. You have done such an amazing job over the last 4 years and the future is looking even better for you. You are going to impact so many kids' lives. I'm glad you understand the meaning of grace because that's the only reason you agreed to date me and I'm glad I have been able to be part of the the journey for the last 3 years. Good job E.

P.S.- Just to prove that I am not just saying Erin is a great teacher just because she is my girlfriend, here is the video that was played during graduation that featured a top student from each College of Education department. I'm probably embarrassing her but she deserves the credit.

P.P.S.- I'm dating a college graduate. Erin, you really are a cougar.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that was something a veteran teacher(25 years now!) I can appreciate Erin and what her life of service will mean over the years. You, Stephen, are an amazing young man and I am proud to have known both your family(and wonderful dad) as well as Erin's. God bless you both as you travel life's interesting road. Love, Bev Clayton