Monday, June 29, 2009

All things to all people

"I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the Gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings." 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 (ESV)

This is one of my favorite verses when it comes to ministry. I have always believed that the best way to minister to people is through relationships and most of the time relationships are started because of a common bond. But what happens when we have no common ground with someone? When they are from a culture completely different than ours? A different background? A different race? A different social class? Instead of just walking away, we must become.

Many times we fail to become. I know I have failed at this many many times. Usually, when we can't relate to someone we just move on and just say someone else will come along and befriend that person. But when we do that we are neglecting God's word. When we come across someone we can't relate to we must get on their level and create the common bond.

I put this verse in practice for the first time, that I can remember, in South Africa. Before going to South Africa, I was nervous about being able to relate to this young men. We are from different countries and completely different environments. We have a language barrier and a race barrier. However, it wasn't hard to relate because of one simple thing.....a soccer ball.

Growing up I have always made fun of soccer. I always said it was a girls' sport. It was for boys who couldn't play football. I hated it. Mainly because I never played it. But here I was in South Africa standing in front of the boys who I came to share God's love with and the main opportunity I had to relate with these guys was the game of soccer. Needless to say, I didn't stand there and make fun of the game or make fun of them for playing what I used to call a wimpy sport. Instead, I became a soccer player for them. Because of this sport doors were opened for us to find more common bonds with the boys.

We could have gone in to the town and made all of the kids sit down for an hour while we preached to them but it wouldn't have been effective. Instead, we came to them and participated in their favorite past time. We showed them that we were here for them. That it wasn't about the rich, white, Americans. It was about them. About how much God loves them and how much we love them.

Jesus took the same approach. Instead of just sitting up in heaven and snapping his fingers to save us, which he has all the power and authority to do, he became like us. He came to us and related with us to show us how much he loves us.

Paul did the same thing when he became a minister to the Gentiles. A people who he once hated and looked down upon. He became like them. He lived with them. I'm sure he even broke his Kosher diet and ate some pork so that he could relate to them.

So the next time you encounter someone that you have a hard time relating to, become something to them. Find a way to build a bridge to that person. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Who knows you might actually enjoy whatever it is. I still suck at soccer and I was schooled by kids almost half my age but because of my time in South Africa, I have a new found appreciation and interest in soccer. My eyes have been glued to the t.v. the last couple of weeks whenever there has been a Confederation Cup soccer game on. Plus the fact that the games are being played in South Africa adds a little extra interest for me.

The Soccer Boys sporting their new soccer jerseys that they made.

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