Monday, June 15, 2009

Guess who's back....

Well I'm back in the States and in the grind of things. Sorry for the month long blogging break. Obviously, there was not much time for me to keep up with my blogging while in South Africa and then I have just been lazy for the last eleven days. But I wanted to thank all of you for the much love, support, prayers, and videos that have been sent my way. It has all been greatly needed and appreciated.

My next few blogs will focus on my time in South Africa. I just want to encourage you to remember that these are not just stories but reality. I had heard the stories and seen the pictures but some things did not become real to me until I saw them for myself, to me some of the stuff was just stories and pictures nothing more. So my prayer for you is not that you would read this and say "that's nice" or "sounds like Stephen had a great time" but my prayer is that you would be moved to action. That you would be decide to make a difference. That you would realize that there is a world full of people who need people like you and me to forsake the comfort of our air conditioned houses, soft beds, and full refrigerators and go. They need us to go and share the love of Christ with them. The love that changes. The love that renews. The love that brings hope. The love that brings light into the darkness.

Thanks again for the love and support and I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences in South Africa.

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