Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Give me a break.

Today, President Elect Obama announced that Pastor Rick Warren would deliver the Invocation at his Inauguration on January 20th, 2009. This decision has sparked outrage from the gay and lesbian community because of Warren's views on gay rights and marriage and his support of Proposition 8. The Obama party made it clear when the choice of Warren was announced that Warren and Obama disagreed on the issue of homosexuality. Yet people are pissed. What's the big deal? People need to grow up.

First of all, President Obama, himself, said that he defined marriage as one man and one woman but I don't hear people complaining about that. Also, Obama has chosen a pastor who supports homosexuality and gay marriage to deliver the Benediction. There will even be a gay and lesbian band participating in the events but I don't see conservatives coming on CNN and whining about it.

Is there a double standard being set? I think so. Obama has said that he wants to unite the country and in order to do so he needs to include, both, people he agrees with and people he disagrees with. But now that he has chosen someone he disagrees with about homosexuality, its a bad choice. I don't see people throwing such a big hissy fit over the fact that Obama has picked REPUBLICANS for his cabinet. Come on people. If we want a united country, we have to accept the fact that we are going to disagree with people. But does that mean that we shouldn't associate with those people? NO.

I am almost certain that the people who are arguing/whining about the selection of Warren would consider themselves open minded and accepting people. But I think by their opposition to Warren, they are showing that they are open minded and accepting ONLY to the people who agree with them. That's hypocrisy.

I don't agree with President Obama on some things but I do agree with him on some. I personally think this is a great move towards unity, Obama extending his hand to a conservative evangelical pastor. It is a great thing that he is classy enough to associate and work with people whom he disagrees. That's called diversity and I thought that's one of the main things the gay and lesbian community wanted. Warren is not being sworn in that day, so give me a break.

P.S.- Don't take this as a complete blast on liberals. There are things I can blast conservatives for and probably will. As far as politics go, I'm neither republican or democrat. So please do not take this rant as a endorsement of one party over the other.

1 comment:

themichaelwilson said...

My dear Stephen, I'm glad you are learning that open-mindedness only counts when you believe what they do. Welcome to liberal land. You are wise beyond your years.
PS. I agree on the conservative part. Pat Robertson still sucks.