Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year Kids

Wow it has been a while. I've had several great ideas to write about but I have lacked the motivation to write. So look for several posts in the near or not so near future. One of which will include my thoughts on the holiday season which was forever ago.

My new favorite thing is my "Latest Headlines" tab on my browser which gives me some great news headlines. There have been two over the last couple of days that have really caught my eye. One of these you will have to ask me about later because I don't know who reads this. But it was extremely funny. Here's a hint: it had to do with a certain part of the male anatomy being set on fire. The second news story had a headline which read "Chairlift mishap strips US skier." Before clicking be warned that you will see butt. Old man butt. But it is funny.

That's all for now folks. I'll be back soon. Probably when I am putting off homework next week.

1 comment:

themichaelwilson said...

HAHAHAHA. Your blogger profile pic cracked me up!