Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constitution Day

How many of you knew there was a day set aside to recognize the Constitution? I didn't until yesterday. I guess you learn new stuff in college and since I am in a American Politics and Government class and a Criminal Justice class, the Constitution is eventually going to come up. I was just thinking though...what if you hated the Constitution and wanted to protest the Constitution on Constitution Day? Instead of protesting it you would actually be celebrating it because the Constitution gives you permission to do that. Funny how things work out. So, I guess if you don't like the Constitution and you want to do something about it the only thing you can do with out celebrating not do anything at all. Weird.

Oh yea for the two of you that actually read this I apologize that I am boring and lazy and rarely post. I just got a good idea today so maybe I'll have something inspiring and life changing to post soon. But I have to face the facts...I will never be as opinionated and interesting as The Michael Wilson.

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