Monday, December 1, 2008

Password changes and more things that contain crack.

Don't you hate when you have to change your password after a certain period of time and then you keep typing in your old password out of habit. Yeah, me too.

And as promised more things to add to the list of Things That Contain Crack......
  • Cheerwine- Amazing. I hear they have Cheerwine milkshakes at the cookout in Salisbury, the birth place of Cheerwine. No not Cheerwine floats like they have everywhere, Cheerwine milkshakes. There's a difference.
  • Queso Dip from Mexican Restaurants and the chips that go with it.
  • Homemade Banana Pudding. That's why people don't make it all the time because they can't afford the crack to put in it.
That's all for now folks.


themichaelwilson said...

1)Obviously I love anything with cheese, thus this need not be said
2) Yes on Cheerwine. I'm really addicted to it now. Its really magical. Its the 'cherry different' soft drink. Clever Cheerwine. Clever.
3) I'm glad someone else said that about passwords. I scared my parents at the beginning of the semester because I started SCREAMING at my computer. NC State email made me change my password that I had gotten 3 years used to typing. Pissed me off.
4) Keep writing.

themichaelwilson said...

PS. The word I had to type in for word verification on the previous comment was 'fadger'. Made me think, what you call a badger from UNC?