Thursday, March 5, 2009

I need your help!

For those who don't know, I am going to South Africa at the beginning of the Summer with CCF. We will be spending three weeks working with two full time missionaries in an extremely poor area of Capetown. The total cost of the trip is right around $3000. I need $1750 by March 20th and unfortunately I am a little under $1000 at the moment. So, next week is my spring break and I am planning on putting on a yard sale Saturday, March 14th. This is where you come in. I don't have a ton of stuff to sale so if you have anything, I mean anything, that you would be willing to donate for me to sale, it would be greatly appreciated. Even if you don't have anything to sale, maybe some of you could bake something tasty so it will be one half yard sale and one half bake sale. Anything you can do would be amazing. So let me know what you think and if you can help. Thanks a million!

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