Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cats and Dogs

*Analogies are not perfect. They break down at some point. So just follow me for a minute and don't be too critical.
Are you a dog person or a cat person? No, I'm not talking about pet preference. Which animal are you most like? I believe all of us should be dogs, well at least when it comes to our relationship with God. Sorry cat people. I'm not saying this simply because I'm a dog person. I am saying this because most dogs have the right relationship with their master.

Dogs always want to play. They always want to be around their owner. For example, Erin's dog Coconut always wants to be with the family. Whenever they leave the room he whines. He would follow them but he is afraid of the hardwood floors so he never leaves the couch. Anyways, he is always looking for something to do with his owners. He always wants to be around them, no matter what. Whether it is cuddling on the couch, being rubbed while everyone is watching television, going for a ride in the car, or just rough housing with Doug and I when we come over. He loves being with his so called "masters." Also, dogs are more like to come when called. I've never seen a cat respond to "here boy" or "here girl." They are obedient. When it comes to our relationships with Jesus, dogs give us a good example to follow. We should desire to be around our Master. He desires to be with us. We should also have obedience like dogs.

Cats are the opposite. They only come to the owner when they feel like it. Mainly, when they need something. I have never seen a cat that constantly desires to be around its master. The cat controls things, the cat is in charge. This is the wrong relationship to have with Christ. We should always desire to be around Him. Every day. Not just Sundays, Easter, and Christmas. When we have a cat mentality we control when God comes in and out of our lives but we forget that he is every where. We can't escape our Master and go lay on top of the couch or go mouse hunting. Our Master is always there. He wants to spend time with us and wants us to desire spending time with Him. Sadly, too many churches are filled with cats. They show up on Sunday morning for some petting and then leave and do their own thing the rest of the week.

I know the concept of being like a dog is somewhat crazy. We are prideful and don't want to refer to anyone as our Master or Owner. But God is the greatest Master and Owner any "dog" could have. He's not like Michael Vick or Clark Griswald (National Lampoon's Vacation). He loves us and takes care of us. He is the kind of Master that you can't help but love and run to whenever you get the chance. The beauty of it is that we always have the chance. God, unlike most dog owners, doesn't leave for a 9 to 5 job everyday while we are stuck in a crate. He is always with us. Ready to love on us and receive our love.

I can't imagine what the church and what the world would look like if we all became like dogs to our gracious Master and Savior Jesus. I can almost see Satan screaming "Who let the dogs out?" (Cue one of the worst songs ever created.)

1 comment:

themichaelwilson said...

Um, I love that you referenced Clark Griswold. You really cannot get much better on a blog than that.