Monday, October 13, 2008

State of the Union, part 2

Economy. Unless you live under a rock, I guarantee you have heard or read that world a million times over the last several weeks. So many questions have been thrown out there: Who's to blame? How long will this last? How much will it cost me? What about my money? And the list goes on and on. Let me first say this, all of this finger pointing reminds me of the Garden of Eden, when God asked Adam and Eve about their sin. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. We, as the American people need to stop pointing the finger at the government and the corporation. Sure they had something to do with it. But guess what? The government and these big corporations are run by people, just like you and me. In a democratic and capitalist society the government is run by the citizens and people start businesses and run them to earn a living. So its OUR fault for getting to greedy. We can't depend on the government for EVERYTHING unless we want a communist government. We as the American people need to stop caring so much about ourselves. All I hear these days are ME, ME, ME. Put other people first. Live within your means. All of these economic problems we face come down to one main cause, greed. That's why Jesus said no one can love God and money at the same time and why in 1 Timothy it says the LOVE of MONEY is the root of all kinds of evil. And by taking a look around, its very true. Stop pointing the finger and look at yourselves and ask when is the last time I cared about someone else other than myself.

I know our country is going through a hard time, financially speaking but its a hard time compared to what we are USED to. Look at other countries. They are so much worse off than we are. But again it goes back to our greed. Put it in perspective. It could be so much worse. Read Jenn's blog to get some stats and put things in a better perspective and realize....things aren't so bad after all.

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