Monday, October 13, 2008

State of the Union

The election is officially like 20 something days away, even though I get to vote on campus starting on the 20th, and I am already sick of it. I am sick of politicians lying to us. I am sick of them pretending to be so much better than each other when they aren't. They are all shady. I'm tired of them, all of them. Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin. The only thing that is getting me through this is SNL and their impressions of Sarah Palin. I am also planning on having some fun myself by being John McCain for Halloween, IF I can find a McCain mask while I'm home for Fall Break. If I can find it, Erin is going to be the lovely Sarah Palin. Look for us on ESPN2 on Halloween Night. If not, I'll settle for my Mexican costume, complete with a sombrero and poncho. Anyways, back to politics. I think the dumbest/funniest thing is listening to people talk about the debates and debating over who won. Of course, you are going to say that your candidate won because you agree with them. Plus, how does a candidate when a debate when they lie? I remember the day after the VP debate, I read a couple of articles where they checked the facts from the two candidates and BOTH of them lied. This irritates the crap out of me. We are trusting these people to run the country and presumably do a better job than whats going on now but all we get are lies. We deserve better. The number one thing I hate though is that this whole voting process deserves a little bit of faith in who you are voting for. You are putting faith in this person that they will do what they have promised. I, personally, have a problem putting my faith in these people. I don't know if I can trust them and I don't see how any one else in their right mind can say that they fully trust McCain or Obama. Some may say, well if that's how you feel, don't vote but I am thankful that I have the right to vote and the right to speak my mind. We are very fortunate to have that right and there are millions of people all over the world who have no say whatsoever in their country. So, I will vote and who ever wins I will respect and call my President.

P.S.- I know this is a fairly "Debbie Downer" post but I am not down in the dumps because no matter how this election goes, the most important thing to me will not be affected, my faith in Christ. And to those who say America is going to hell in a hand basket because of who wins the election, let me leave you with these wise words from Hillsong United, "Politics will not decide if we should rise and be YOUR hands and feet."